
Public Health

What I do.


Ask questions

Successful problem solving begins with asking the right question the right way. Asking a question the right way relies on understanding why the question is being asked in the first place. I help clients step back consider why they want to ask a question. This approach can help assure that the information collected will be able to answer the real question.

SYNTHESIZE Information 

Information can be overwhelming. This is especially true when critical decisions need to be made rapidly. I am able to apply a range of methods to assess and synthesize information. Besides writing reports and presenting information at meetings and conferences, I've been known to create pictures to illustrate complicated systems.

DisseminaTE information 

Evidence-based decision making relies on evidence. How well evidence is understood and used to support decision making relies on its dissemination. I apply my experience and expertise to craft audience-targeted information via written reports, presentations, webinars and other approaches.

Identify opportunities

Opportunities can be helpful or threatening. My experience and expertise allows me to identify policies, programs, and resources that could help or hinder an organization's work. Knowing these details, I am able to propose the development of creative responses.

Provide Subject Area EXpertise

My expertise in the areas of public health systems including emergency preparedness and response; immunization and vaccines, and; maternal and child health is reflected in interviews by various media outlets, professional presentations and guest lectures.

Proposal Development & Writing

A well-developed proposal is not only more likely to be funded, it lays the foundation for a successful project and can help encourage additional funding opportunities. My experience with public health systems, programs and policies enables me to craft problem statements that demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the significance of the problem as well as a creative technical approach to program monitoring and evaluation. 

apply Qualitative Methods

Qualitative methods are especially suited to answering "how" and "what" questions, like, "How does this program work?" Or, "What factors contribute to a policy?" Among qualitative methods, I'm especially adept at collecting data from individual and group interviews, environmental scans and data analysis with software such as NVivo and ATLAS.ti. I am also skilled in conducting case studies. 


In addition to researching and evaluating public health systems, I share my knowledge of public health, science and society as an educator. My background teaching middle-school through graduate-level students and adult learners provides valuable experience that an be applied in a range of situations. 

leveragE systems

Despite the frequent admonition, "Don't reinvent the wheel.", decision makers fail recognize opportunities to leverage systems. My knowledge of public health systems allows me to recognize details that can be leveraged to promote a policy; reveal resources for a program, or; creative approaches to respond to challenges. 

Short-term projects

I work on projects whose duration is weeks to months. I'm like the character Nanny McFee, "When you need me, but do not want me, then I must stay. When you want me, but no longer need me, then I have to go". 

Program Monitoring & EValuation

Assessing programs' progress provides feedback that can be used to identify issues that--if addressed promptly--may improve outcomes. Evaluating programs can identify outcomes worth replicating (or those that should be avoided in the future). My experience with a range of approaches to program monitoring and evaluation allows me to craft an approach that is best suited to a client's needs.