
More than 20 years of experience in public health.

My professional experience includes work related to:

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Immunization & Vaccines 

I've led or made significant contributions to more than a dozen projects related to immunization and vaccines for various federal agencies and private organizations. Topic areas include:

Influenza manufacturing, distribution and management.

Assessing immunization coverage of school-aged children.

Immunization practices and policies.

Vaccine production and finance.


Emergency Preparedness & Response

Led or made significant contributions to evaluations of pandemic influenza preparedness and response. 

Developed and facilitated decision-making workshop at Preparedness Summit

Volunteer with Maryland Responds Medical Reserve Corps and Baltimore City CERT (Community Emergency Response Team).


Emerging Infectious Diseases

Managed Ebola-related social and behavioral change response and prevention research activities in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea.

Collaborated with decision-modeling experts as part of NIH-funded MIDAS (Modeling Infectious Disease Agents Study).  


Maternal and Child Health

Started up and directed MCHB (Maternal and Child Health Bureau)-funded MCH Project to to improve local health departments' MCH policies and programs.

AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)-funded dissertation included case studies of community-based approaches to prevent adverse perinatal outcomes.